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Updated:January 18, 2023


Chuo City Living Guide

Crimes, Accidents - Police (Tel: 110)

When notifying the police about a crime, theft, traffic accident, etc. dial 110 (no area code). If people are injured in a traffic accident, let the police know so that they can call an ambulance.

* In Japan, there are koban (police boxes) on street corners. The officers there carry out duties such as street patrols for preventing crimes, accepting applications to trace lost articles, and providing directions.

Consultations when you are a victim of non-urgent crime

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Foreign Resident Consultation

Tel: 03-3503-8484

* The business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. (excluding national holidays).

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中央区トップページ > Multilingual > Chuo City Living Guide > Crimes, Accidents - Police (Tel: 110)